Only 5 days until Christmas! xD I'm excited, I asked for a bunch of clothes from aeropostle, and these really cool boots from Kohl's. There's nothing really big that I wanted this year, so the rest of the presents are a surprise! :D So today was my last day until winter break. . . But I was sick yesterday and today and didn't go to school. I mean, I'm glad I didn't have to go to school. . . But we were having our winter party today. D: Oh well. MEH. I added some drawings under About Me page, so check em out, I'll take requests. :D follow my instagram, @taylor_leigh01 to see more of my drawings and some pictures of me etc. BYEEEEEEEEE -Galaxy 

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    I'm Galaxy, and this is my life, and my story. Gotta love it, right?