HAII! The world didn't end. .-. That whole thing was stupid, lol. Only God predicts when the world will end. Except yesterday a boy told my friend that he wished i was at school so he could kiss me before the end of the world. :D That made me happyyyyyy. He also came to my band concert on Monday (which I was a boss at! xD) and hugged me and told me I did good and looked pretty in mah dress.... I have a crush on him... xD If the world ends in 2012, I’ve wasted my entire life in school. Wonderful.
Ashley (ashangel)
12/24/2012 03:45:13 am

Hmmm...let me guess who it was...your boyfriend. And you did rock at the concert (and so did i) You look awesome in your dress!

12/30/2012 12:39:39 pm

What. . .? And thank you! @ashangel


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    I'm Galaxy, and this is my life, and my story. Gotta love it, right?