Hey Guys! I got to stay home from school again, lol. My mouth hurts so much from the braces! When will the pain stop???? Okay, so I was home alone today because my mom was playing clarinet at a concert, and I got scared so badly! Haha! I woke up, and these Mexican PAINTERS (We were getting the outside of our house painted) were outside my window, painting! And what really freaked me out was THEY WERE SPEAKING SPANISH. -_- And they were making alot of noise, too. It scared the crap out of me, I would say. Later I found them eating noodles on my porch furniture. Weird. That sentence is just... weird. Mexican Painters were speaking spanish and eating noodles on my patio furniture. O.o That's all for now! I have to go to piano later. -_- My mom lets me miss school, but not piano. What the heck?

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    I'm Galaxy, and this is my life, and my story. Gotta love it, right?