Here is the poll for day one! Enjoy!
11/10/2012 11:23:57 pm

Hey, TJ. I love your blog! Oh that reminds me why I'm here! xD Just had to get the link to your blog so people could get to it from mine. :P
Bye! x3

11/11/2012 01:41:45 am

Thanks Angel! (: i checked your blog out, it super cool too! (: -TJ

oru addict11
11/11/2012 02:12:00 am

TAYTAY!!! haha :p i actually like this!! jk love ya!!!! this is really cool!! from your best frannnnnn!!

12/23/2012 12:01:47 pm

This looks just like mine O_O We might be good friends looking at your drawings ;D

12/24/2012 04:35:46 am

What do you mean it looks just like yours?O_O And thanks, haha! @anna shela


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    Hey! i will have alot of different polls up here, so vote!

    On here, I post a new poll whenever each one has ten votes, so keep coming!